1 min readJan 3, 2020
First Effort:
If you sleep deeply leading to four a.m. it seems like the world is quietly new.
If you are still awake after a long day going into four a.m. it is a world without end.
Second Effort:
Sleeping deep into four a.m., new world, awaiting, for me.
Waking, quaking at four in the morning, never ending turn.
Their Effort:
4am, anew.
Four in the morning, alone.
Fourth Effort:
4, forth.
4, gone.
Nearest Effort:
At 4 everything is pure and simple, it’s sweetest form.
At 4 discord has won.
Last Effort:
Turning ever more, then sun awaits.
Turning ever more, the moon hangs on.
No Effort:
There is no light at 4am but that which we create.