A Simulated Conversation of Me Convincing Myselves that We Do Not Live in a Simulation

Russell Foltz-Smith
6 min readJun 9, 2019


Animal A:
Can you guess what I’m making
File Transfer: image1.jpeg

Animal B:
A wooden girl

Animal A:
File Transfer: image2.jpeg

Animal B:
Wooden boi
File Transfer: image3.PNG

Animal A:
File Transfer: image4.jpeg

Animal B:

Animal A:
Couple things I wanna change but overall happy haha

Animal B:
File Transfer: image5.JPG

Animal A:
What is that

Animal B:
It’s a painting of magic

Animal A:
I see that
What if something has enough computing power, whether brain or something else, that it could experience a lifetime in seconds

Animal B:
time doesn’t exist like that.
what is a lifetime?

Animal A:
There’s an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 0

Animal B:
Something experiences everything at exactly the level it can experience it all of the time
A single photon being the unit of experience itself experiences nothing at any time.
The universe containing all the photons experiences everything all of the time in every possible way.

Animal A:
But what does the universe experience

Animal B:
A person comprised of just a little bit of photons experiences everything all of the time in just some, mostly, fuzzy ways.
The experiences itself
Correct that there is a universe inbetween 0 and 1

Animal A:
We’re formed by layers of things (atoms, cells, organs)

Animal B:
The real numbers between 0 and 1 is the universe

Animal A:
If you zoom out far enough
What’s there

Animal B:
The universe is mirrored all over within itself
A “typical human” is not all the real numbers between 0 and 1
by requiring a life and a self a typical human becomes a subset of the real numbers. Perhaps consider it like the even numbers.

Animal A:

Animal B:
Not all numbers are reachable by a typical human intent on defining the world into selves.
A best it’s half the numbers
And on and on.

Animal A:
What I think I’m saying is that at some point can a simulation of a human lifetime be perceived between 0 and 1 seconds, if given enough signal processing and power

Animal B:
So a typical human experiences time… by becoming so small and different but still bigger than a photon a typical human experiences time by noticing differences
A simulation is less than the universe.

Animal A:
Even if it’s mirroring because it’s not going to simulating itself within its simulation.

Animal B:
A simulation could easily cover a typical human life
Most people experience a simulation of their parents religions and politics and advertising.

Animal A:
What you’re saying is it can not be compressed

Animal B:
tech company incubation is a simulation
Every business is the same
You can compress things by defining the observation of them differently

Animal A:

Animal B:
Society normalizes observations so as to compress behavior
Into norms and laws and politeness.
Gender was, unfortunately, successfully compressed to 2 genders.
As long as the beings observing each other don’t look for other things it’s an operational compression (and a reduction of possibility).

Animal A:
Time doesn’t exist but we still perceive it

Animal B:
We perceive difference
Not time

Animal A:
Right, difference is relative to our perception of the world

Animal B:
I don’t have a better way to talk about this but I think getting hung up on simulations and stuff is sort of a trick.
It’s the same challenge of ai etc.
You’re only capable of experiencing shit at the level of which you’ve become something.
you become by letting the universe affect you
Humans tend to not be affected.

Animal A:
I’m not getting hung up on simulations

Animal B:
India and Finland are almost the same temperature band (HOT!), that is they are both now 85 degrees plus very early in the seasons!
And most humans still can’t take climate change seriously

Animal A:
Zoom out
Way out

Animal B:
Yes differences are funny like that
The universe in a black hole or the universe in a grain of sand
It’s really about zooming within

Animal A:
I’m not getting my question across. Let me think about it more

Animal B:
I get your question
But there’s no useful way in which to do something with it
Difference (time) is relative

Animal A:

Animal B:
In the zoomed out expanse of the universe the human life is but a blip. They all happen immediately
So yes a powerful enough computer could easily experience an entire life
But it could only report that experience to a similarly or more powerful computer
So it what sense is it even experiencing it?
And the issue of time doesn’t factor in really because it’s just about how much “difference” does a computer have to account for.
One may ask if this is all true then why doesn’t everyone think this way and where’s the cool tech?
It’s because 99% of humans are so very far away from this because our society, cultures, economic systems are very generatively entrenched
western culture and society, in particular, only ponders a relatively small part of the universe: the universe of short-paper statable problems and deterministic solutions.
This is why AI companies and products are having trouble
Once you drop all the open ended ness and just commit to pitching a Problem Solving Machine you can raise lots of money but ultimately just spend it by overcomplicating linear problem solving with non-linear machine learning.
Eventually folks are just going to have to be comfortable telling people that it’s not about “solving problems” or “making companies”
It’s about becoming more.
Most “problems” get solved in the wake of becoming more, radical experimentation of awareness, and mirrored gestation of weird shit.
Things get solved by becoming irrelevant mostly.
I strongly suggest reading all his books and watching both the old documentaries and the newer ones.
And to add a wrinkle to your thought process… consider that earthquakes are actually totally and completely random. https://www.nature.com/nature/debates/earthquake/equake_10.html
So how would you ever be able to “simulate” them into an experiential computer program… other than to just randomly have them happen and at different scales.
Thus making every simulation functionally and totally independent and non-inspectable other than by very generalized statistical measures… “human lives mostly sort of look like this”

Animal A:
gtg. i’m hungry or bored, can’t tell which. bye.

Animal B:
File Transfer: image6.jpeg



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